Diurnal Variation of Surface Radio Refractivity Over Three Meteorological Stations in Nigeria

Gabriel Adisa Adegboyega, Temitope Sadiq


Analysis and study of the vertical variation of refractivity in the troposphere is required for radio systems planning in order to achieve successful operation. The diurnal variation of surface radio refractivity over three meteorological stations in Nigeria is presented. The stations include Lagos-Ikeja (6â°35’N, 3â°40’E), Akure (7â°15’09â€N, 5â°11’35â€E) and Minna (9â°37’N, 6â°32’E). Monthly mean values of temperature, pressure and relative humidity were used to compute refractivity for three stations. The surface refractivity also shows latitudinal and seasonal variation. The maximum refractivity values were obtained for Ikeja (Lagos) of 394 N-units, Akure of 404 N-units and Minna of 364 N-units.


Refractivity, Refractive Index, radio wave propagation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22385/jctecs.v6i0.104