Evaluation and Comparison of Software Packages in Business Environment Using Scenario-Based Approaches

Mahasen Anabtawi, Ibrahim Adwan, Salaheddin Odeh


The competition between companies to produce software (SW) packages and the wide spread of international standards cause users’ expectations to become increasingly high. Organizations need to measure and evaluate the usability of SW packages. Usability engineering indicates that we must offer better means for structuring, managing and developing Software packages. In this study, there are two systems: first the employed, commercial system and second the developed prototype with computer graphics and multimedia which was designed to overcome the drawbacks of the commercial system. Both systems are used in a business environment to make various transactions as: ordering supplies; purchasing orders; controlling and editing stocks with their balances on shelves. This study is a scenario-based one that tests and evaluates the performance management standards by doing an objective evaluation and assessment between the two systems: the employed commercial system and the prototype. Scenario-based approaches are becoming ubiquitous in system analysis and design. This study uses discrete-event simulation to analyze the user interface UI of both systems. It analyses and evaluates the main components and elements of the interface and its measurements in the computerized systems. The dependent variables are: effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, transparency and consistency. The independent variables are: the user interfaces of both systems and the three scenarios.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22385/jctecs.v6i0.107