Modeling and Simulation of 1.1 kW Wind Energy Conversion System

Omer Elbashir Elfaki, Mohamed Babiker Musa


Over the last thirty years, renewable energy sources have been attracting great attention due to the cost increase, limited reserves, and environmental impact of fossil fuels. In the main time, technological advancements, cost reduction, and governmental incentives have made some renewable energy sources more competitive in the market. Among them, wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources. This work is applied to investigate whether WADI-SEIDNA region (North Khartoum, Sudan) is suitable to generate electrical power or not, according to a design and modeling of horizontal blade turbine. A detailed mathematical model of a squirrel-cage induction generator (SCIG) coupled to wind turbine system using vector control computing technique is also done. The performance of wind energy conversion system (WECS) is studied using simulation developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK.


WECS, SCIG, Horizontal blade data design, Vector control.

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